
Federation of Window Cleaners

Liquid Winsol 550 Glass restorer removes hard water marks

(Code: Winsol550)

Please click here for Data Sheet on Liquids or fitting instructions or to watch a video
£ 79.31
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Liquid Winsol 550 Glass restorer removes hard water marks Crystal Clear 550 Glass Restorer A heavy duty glass clearing agent for the removal of hard water deposits, alkali residues, haze and other atmospheric pollutants.

Crystal Clear 550 will dissolve away mineral deposits from the surface of the glass and help prevent re-deposit. Will remove 'run off' from cement, concrete and metal window surrounds and is easy to apply using a sponge or strip washer. NOTE: Glass restoration is not the same as regular window cleaning - it costs more in time and materials and should be treated as a separate service to your customers and charged accordingly.

CAUTION: Always carry out a test application of Crystal Clear 550 to determine the suitability of any surface to be worked on